At Westminster, we profess the historic Christian faith in God, incarnate in Jesus Christ for our salvation and ever at work in human history in the Holy Spirit. Living in a covenant of grace under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we participate in the first fruits of God's coming reign and pray in hope for its full realization on earth as in heaven.
Love God. Make Friends. Serve Others.
Where we come from
On January 13, 1952, a mere eleven people joined together at the Henry W. Grady School to give birth to our church. With nothing more than a hope for the future, their committed stewardship in God’s Kingdom gave rise to the buildings and infrastructure that is our church home today.
What we're doing here
We're in the heart of the Galleria, one of the busiest places on earth. In the midst of all that bustle, we are a haven of peace, purpose, and community in Jesus.
What this means for you
Westminster United Methodist Church is located in the Galleria/Uptown area of Houston, TX at the corner of San Felipe and Bering Drive and offers two Sunday worship experiences.
Sunday Mornings at 9:05 in the Sanctuary. In this worship experience, God comes close. There are people wearing jeans, teenagers eating donuts, and an energetic band leading us in lively, modern worship. It’s fun, relaxed, informal, and perfectly normal for a toddler or two to be dancing to the music. In this service, we encounter the God who meets us in our everyday life.
When: 9:05am on Sunday morning. Where: In the Sanctuary, the big building that faces San Felipe. Park in either of the two lots on the North side of the church and walk down the covered walkway, toward the open doors at the back of the sanctuary. As usual, you will be able to worship online with us at 9:05 am on the website. We will additionally be airing the service at 11:05 am and 6:05 pm and also putting it on YouTube. Starting at 9:05 am each Sunday morning, you should be able to find our worship anytime that is convenient for your family.
Sunday Mornings at 11:05 in the Sanctuary. In this worship experience, we lift our gaze from the clamor of busyness to the wonder of the presence of God. Uplifting hymns, colorful stained glass, and a classic sanctuary help us experience the God who holds the cosmos in his hands. Children are always welcome, because we cherish the opportunity to teach the next generation about worship through hymns, liturgy, and the beauty of traditional music. This service is joyful, inspiring, and reverent. Many describe it as “the church I grew up with.” About ten minutes into the service, all children are invited forward for a children’s message. After the message, children 2nd grade and younger may return to their parents or accompany our wonderful childcare workers for an age-appropriate children’s lesson.
When: 11:05am on Sunday morning.
Where: In the Sanctuary, the big building that faces San Felipe. Park in either of the two lots on the North side of the church and walk down the covered walkway, toward the open doors at the back of the sanctuary.
What time should I come? We have two services. Our Contemporary Service is at 9:05 a.m. and our Traditional Service begins at 11:05 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
What should I wear? Most people dress casually on Sunday mornings and some like to dress up, so you’ll see everything from jeans to suits at Westminster!
What about my kids? Children are welcome in both worship services. There is a special children's message in each service, after which kids are welcome to rejoin their parents or go with our childcare workers for a lesson and some play time.