July Pulpit Takeover
This summer, the sermon will be presented by…YOU! We are thrilled to feature Westminster peeps as our preachers throughout the month of July. All these preachers were participants in the spring How to Preach class, and we can’t wait for you to hear the awesome messages they developed as a part of that class.
Be sure to read the schedule, because some Sundays there will be different preachers in each service. Feel free to come to both services that day if you want to hear both messages. They will also all be available on the website after.
Be sure to read the schedule, because some Sundays there will be different preachers in each service. Feel free to come to both services that day if you want to hear both messages. They will also all be available on the website after.
Pulpit Takeover July Calendar

July 9th: Brandi Sikes, both services
Brandi grew up in Tyler and has become a Houstonian over the last 23 years. She has been a part of the Westminster family for three years and her family attends the Encounter service.

July 16th: Jasmine Washington, Encounter Service
Jasmine is from Atlanta, Ga and moved to Texas with her husband Kelton in 2018. They have been attending the Westminster Encounter Service since 2019.

July 16th: Kevin Koecher, Traditional Service
I’m Kevin Koecher (the one on the left in photo). I’ve been an active member of Westminster UMC since 2001 (along with my wife Stephanie). I grew up in Houston and moved back from Dallas (where Stephanie and I had lived for many years). I recently retired from Apache Corporation … having worked for several oil and gas firms In numerous roles over the years. I’ve been very blessed and am currently enjoying my free time pursuing numerous interests.

July 23rd: Kent Twining, Encounter Service
As a kid I grew up moving every 2 years or so but attended church most every week wherever we lived. Houston has been home since 1970. Lee Ann and I were married by Gradie Earls 40 years ago at St. Luke’s UMC. We’re blessed with 3 kids and 5 grandkids. My favorite scripture verse: I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine. Song of Solomon 6:3. That just wows me every time.

July 23rd: Kingson Olusola, Traditional Service
I was born and raised in Nigeria West Africa. A lover of God. An accountant by profession. I joined the church September, 2022. My experience so far has been wonderful because of the great people I fellowship with in the church. Thank you

July 30th: Mo Abolarin, both services.
Mo Abolarin comes to Houston by way of Calgary, Canada. He is happy to have found a home at WUMC since moving in 2022. Mo is excited to share what he’s found but takes James 3:1 very personally. He attends the encounter service.