Throughout Lent, we’ll be exploring spiritual disciplines as a church. Spiritual disciplines are the things we do to help us stay in the presence of God. Throughout church history, these have also been called means of grace, good works, and more. But whatever they are called, Christians unanimously agree that there is spiritual benefit in practicing fasting, prayer, confession, and more. Think of it like training for your soul.
Following our spiritual disciplines theme, we’re going to do something different with devotionals. Every day will have a theme that repeats weekly with a suggestion of something you could do to practice that discipline. So every Monday, we’ll invite you to think about some aspect of simplicity. Tuesdays are fasting, Wednesdays are confession, Thursdays are prayer, Fridays are Bible Reading, Saturdays are service, and Sundays are worship. While there are many more disciplines, these seven basic ones will lay a foundation for incorporating many disciplines into your life.
If you don’t know anything about spiritual disciplines, I invite you to read Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. It was written many years ago, yet remains the best book written on the topic.
Following our spiritual disciplines theme, we’re going to do something different with devotionals. Every day will have a theme that repeats weekly with a suggestion of something you could do to practice that discipline. So every Monday, we’ll invite you to think about some aspect of simplicity. Tuesdays are fasting, Wednesdays are confession, Thursdays are prayer, Fridays are Bible Reading, Saturdays are service, and Sundays are worship. While there are many more disciplines, these seven basic ones will lay a foundation for incorporating many disciplines into your life.
If you don’t know anything about spiritual disciplines, I invite you to read Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. It was written many years ago, yet remains the best book written on the topic.