Sermon Series: Genesis
This January, we are getting back to the beginning. The very beginning. We’re going to spend almost two months in Genesis. This first, most epic book of the Bible has the seeds of all other themes that appear later: creativity, covenant, joy, loss, guilt, rescue, forgiveness, and belonging. We’re going to smell the garden with Adam and Eve, hear the rain coming with Noah, see the stars with Abraham, laugh with Sarah, court with Isaac, and forgive with Joseph. And through it all, we’re going to understand the whole of the Gospel more clearly.
Sermon 1: In The Beginning
Sermon 2: The Fall
Sermon 3: Things Fall Apart
Sermon 4: The Flood
Sermon 5: Tower of Babel
Sermon 6: Abraham and Sarai
Sermon 7: Isaac
Sermon 8: Jacob
The Family of God - Israel's Sons
The Family of God - The Story I Left Out